Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Cocktail of the week: Gerry Calabrese’s gina colada – recipe

This coconut-packed twist on the classic piña colada is super-tropical, super-tasty and super-summery.
Serves 1
50ml gin – a tropical one, ideally35ml coconut water⁠
35ml pineapple juice⁠
10ml standard sugar syrup ⁠
A squeeze of lime, to taste
1 wedge fresh pineapple, plus maybe a couple of leaves, to garnish⁠
Measure the first four ingredients into a shaker filled with ice, add a good squeeze of lime, then shake hard and strain into a tall glass. Garnish with the pineapple⁠ (a few leaves look really good, if you have any) and serve.
